:: Center for the Investigation of Light-Matter Interaction (CILMI)
CILMI faculty work with their research group to understand interaction
between light and matter. The group carries out research in thermal,
optical and mechanical characterization of solids and liquids. Thermal
and mass diffusion are investigated using pulsed and continuous light
excitations. The effects are usually probed by pump-probe photothermal
methods such as Thermal Lens, Thermal Mirror and Photothermal
Displacement. Effects of radiation pressure in dielectric surfaces are
being explored through Thermal Mirror experiments. Central research
themes at present include:
Modeling thermal and mass diffusion effects in photothermal methods
- Soret effect
- Photochemical reaction / Photobleaching
- Sample/fluid heat coupling
Characterization of solids and liquids
- Thermal, optical and mechanical properties solids and liquids
- Investigation of photochemical reaction and mass diffusion in liquids
- Investigation of fluorescent materials
- Measurement of radiation pressure in solids and liquids
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Website: http://lightmattercenter.wix.com/lightmatter